Vacation Bible School - Summer 2025

We’re going on an epic adventure through Australia, and you’re invited! Jesus, who tells us “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) will be our guide as we encounter amazing animals, lush landscapes, stunning sea life, and wondrous wilderness.

Children will discover all this through storytelling, crafts, music & dancing, and more! Snacks will also be provided. 


June 9th - June 12th
9:00 am - 11:00 am


Redeemer Lutheran Church & School

1000 Pioneer Rd  Delta, CO 81416


Preschool through 5th grade

  • Lesson One: God Calls Moses                                              Exodus 3
  • Lesson Two: God Leads His People to the Promised Land   Joshua 3–4
  • Lesson Three: The Parable of the Good Samaritan                  Luke 10:25–37
  • Lesson Four: Peter and John Race to the Tomb                       John 20:1–10, 19–20
  • Lesson Five: Jesus Ascends to the Father                                Luke 24:44–53; Acts 1:1–11


Janell, VBS Director 970-778-1134


Register Now To Reserve Your Spot!

This is a free program available to everyone! Bring your children and help them grow in their knowledge of the Bible and their love and appreciation for Jesus and others.
